AFA Umpire Membership


Membership includes:

  1. Medical and Liability Insurance*
  2. NHSF Rule Book download
  3. Your receipt ID number is your membership number.

Find details below.

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Membership in the AFA Umpires Association includes:

  1. Medical and Liability Insurance*
  2. NFHS Rule Book download
  3. Your receipt ID number is your membership number.

Membership is required to officiate in any AFA tournament.

Note: Your local UIC may charge an administration and/or clinic fee.

The policy will be in effect from January 1, 2025 thru December 31, 2025

If you would like to register by mail, print out form and mail it to the National Office with your membership fee: AFA Umpire Application

Your local regional director will contact you for any additional info that they may need.

* this policy covers you in any sanctioned amateur sporting event and is not limited to the AFA.

By submitting this form you attest:

I attest that I am an upstanding citizen of the United States and that I HAVE NOT in the past been involved in any type of sexual crime.

AFA Umpire Responsibilities

The Umpire’s job is to enforce the rules of the AFA, make calls and judgements accordingly. Remember you work for the AFA.

  • You should be at the field and ready to work 20 minutes before the game is scheduled to start. Please have all your gear accessible between games so teams do not have to wait for you to get ready.
  • Official AFA Umpire shirt is gray with AFA logo, gray AFA hat, (black hat may be used by plate umpire), gray long pants and black shoes. Black pullover jacket may be used with or without the AFA logo. No other affiliation logos allowed.
  • Do not smoke on or near the fields. No alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed during your work day (even if you leave the park).
  • The coaches meeting should be done about 10 minutes before the game is scheduled to start. If the game is no new inning after a certain time, the time starts at the first warm up pitches, (not at the coaches meeting). The next inning starts as soon as the 3rd out is recorded in the previous inning.
  • Please get the girls, coaches and your partner hustling in and out to get the most playing time in.
  • Time between innings should be 60-90 seconds and 5 warm up pitches.
  • Please refrain from having conversations with players, coaches and fans during the game unless needed.
  • NEVER use your cell phone during the game and remove any Bluetooth items even if not turned on.
  • NEVER follow or approach a coach to prolong an argument. Try to keep all conflicts to a minimum, ejections MUST be a last resort.

We should all be in the game for the girls, so we need to set a good example. – AFA National Office

AFA Softball